XXL drying with our extendable clothes airer. Ideal for bed linen, table cloths and other big laundry pieces, it can hold up to three washing loads. Find more information HERE
With a maximum drying space of 20 metres, and its enormous height, the King clothes airer is an inestimable help for your daily laundry chore. Find more information HERE
Flexibility in clothes drying! This clothes airer has a detachable wing and a total of 18 metres drying space. Find more information HERE
Dry lots of clothes in very small space! This 3-tier tower airer has an exceptional total of 30 metres of drying space, which you can place even in your shower. Find more information HERE
Versatility and flexibility meet in this innovative fusion of unique laundry drying. This indoor clothes airer offers up to 22 m of drying space. Find more information HERE
Clothes horse that fits perfectly in the smallest bathroom. The indoor over-bath airer is versatile and flexible:Arrange it in roof-shape, L-shape or simply lay it straight across the edges of your tub. Find more information HERE
For outdoor and indoor use to guarantee maximum comfort for your everyday laundry chores. With its reinforced material of 100% Aluminium, it is weatherproof and lightweight. Find more information HERE
This clothes horse is compact, lightweight and offers 20 metres of drying space. Use it in- or outdoor, with its weatherproof plastic material a long lifetime is guaranteed. Find more information HERE
Very sturdy and strong balcony clothes airer, giving you 10 metres of drying space. Find more information HERE
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